Joost Bijsterveld

Storytelling in sprints

Category : Communications · by Okt 16th, 2014

episodic story writingSo this is what I have been doing for some years! Now we have a name for it: agile serializing messaging, or episodic story writing. A way of getting your messages across via a series of brief chapters, instead of releasing the full story all at once. Especially suitable for communicating change in organizations and inspired by TV shows like Homeland or House of Cards. Melcrum wrote an article about it named “Storytelling in sprints – a smarter way to share messages during times of change“.

I realize I have been doing this already for quite some years. I used to call this way of working ‘infosnacks‘: splitting up big stories and themes into smaller chunks of bite-sized info. Chunks that have value in its own, but together create an even bigger story. This way of communicating has been quite successful and also does justice to ‘one story, one message’ thinking. I am still doing this with our innovation stories!


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